F.E.V.E.R Project
Sponsor A Thriver
F.E.V.E.R Bootcamp is a comprehensive soup-to-nuts program that equips entrepreneurs to thrive. Not all who need it can afford the $999. Your generosity to lift a Thriver will be matched by our commitment to equip, coach, guide.
Host A Bootcamp
Be the hub of business innovation and the hug small businesses in your community need to move from floundering to soaring. Host a F.E.V.E.R Bootcamp. The coach, curriculum, content is already done for you. Yours is to host and make the difference they need. Group rates are highly discounted. Please connect with us to learn more about hosting.
Partner With Us
The possibilities are endless. You could give of your skills, mentor a thriver…We could collaborate on a project, an event, an initiative… We could join hands- make something new, something meaningful, something that lifts small businesses up. Connect with us, lets make magic.